Thursday, May 22, 2008

"But if you ever fall, just fall into My arms..."

Dear 2 AM,

I think we have been spending too much time together. I really do like you, and the friends you bring with you, but I am not convinced we were meant to be. I do not want to hurt you and hope, more than anything, that we can still be friends.

I suppose I owe you the whole truth. You see, I have been forced into an affair with School. Peer pressure, as well as pressure from my parents has convinced me to pursue this relationship. I hope that you don't take this the wrong way, as I would never want to hurt you. I honestly feel though, that at this moment, this is best for me. Okay, maybe I don't, but no one else seems to understand how you fit into my life. As soon as I am able, I plan to break off this broken relationship with School, knowing there would hardly be any hurt on that end.

It seems no matter what I do, you are on my mind. My thinking is blurred from you, I have lost sleep over you. Yet it is so hard to let go. I cannot imagine never seeing you again. If you don't mind, maybe we can get together on the weekends, and over holidays. I am also hoping you will still be willing to spend the summer with me. We have shared laughs together, and you've been there when I have cried. I really do hope that there are no hard feelings, and that you'll be able to understand where I am coming from. I only wish it didn't have to be this way.

In hopes of seeing you soon,
