Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Why don't I just draw a little closer...

I have a lot to write... yet I can't seem to find the time, or thoughts to complete them. Sad day, I know... or maybe it's best. ;) Anyways, it's easy to post pictures, so we can just call it my California photo journal. =P Also, I like Paul Wright... and he has very clever shirts that say "I found Mr. Wright." Brilliant, I know. =P *sings* say I know, I know... wow this is lame... and why I should only post pics... *giggles*

Hanging out in a cute city after our day at the beach... best sign ever =\

Becky insisted on this haha =)

I'm not sure if they're flowers or weeds... with an elephant seal in the background *snickers*

We visited a castle... okay, it was a winery =\ but we think there was a celebrity there... though I'm not sure who ;) and honestly don't really care to...

Lunch on the beach...

I killed him singlehandedly =\

At the castle winery... I thought it was kind of cool =P

lots and lots of birdies...

I like 'em =)

The beach is amazing...

I happen to think elephant seals are hilarious...

and funny looking...

I want to hug one =P

Lil' Z is pretty much the most adorable little girl ever.

Zoe... life.