Monday, November 5, 2007

dear friend...

I wrote this to a friend of mine, but after talking with some other friends about things they were going through, realized that it describes a lot more people than just her...

Dear *********,

I don't even have words to tell you how much you mean to me. I hate to see you going through so much pain. No one should ever have to go through these things. You've come across so many terrible people, your heart has been taken and returned, broken beyond repair. When life became too much to handle, you let yourself become scarred. I could tell you that there's so much more, but I know that it may be hard to believe. I've watched as you've tried to cover this pain. After being failed by everyone you've come to trust, hope seems so far off. But girl, its only as far as you want it to be.

It makes me feel terrible to know I can't be there for you. So many times I've wanted to just wrap you in my arms and hold on tight, and maybe there's days when thats all you'd need. Miles away I feel helpless, I can't hug you to let you know I care, but I do. I can relate to the brokenness, the pain from feeling like a failure. Let me assure you that you haven't failed. You may have fallen, but it is just another opportunity to get back up. You have come so far in the past few months, and I know you have the strength to pull though this time.

God has told us that there is nothing that we can do to make Him love us less. It's something I've been learning a lot lately. And relearning and relearning (heh, God has to remind me of this often). Just bring everything before God, lay it out before Him and tell Him that you need His help, that you can't get through alone. I've found that the more I press into God, finding who He is, and who I am in Him, it is so much easier to fight. These battles were never made to be fought alone, God is ready to help overcome, just as soon as you let Him. God is on your side, and there is no force greater than He. The war has already been won.

Father, right now I just lift ****** up before you. You know exactly what she is going through, and can understand better than anyone else. I ask that you would just give her the strength that she needs to pull through, give her the wisdom and courage to win these battles. God I know that there is no way that we could ever understand your love and I just pray that you'd let ***** know how much you do love her, in her brokenness and through everything she's going through, especially as she's struggling to feel loved on earth. Help her to find someone in her life that she can talk to and find the accountability she needs to win these battles. Let her know that she is not fighting alone and give her the comfort she needs right now. Father, as ****** cries out, with nowhere left to turn, show her that you are waiting with open arms and are ready to wipe away her tears. I thank you for everthing you've done and have yet to do in *****'s life, you have such amazing plans for her, help her to see what they are...

In Jesus' name... amen.

Love ya so much chica!! Erika


Rachel said...

Erika, that was the most beautiful letter I have ever read! I'm glad you shared it on here too and not just to her. I don't know why but lately I've been doubting that God loves me no matter what. Thanks for the encouragement. I'm so glad I'm getting to know you! :-)

Cheyenne said...

Seriously, dido girl. you are amazing.

Kelsey B said...
