Monday, December 17, 2007

From the Shadows...

I know I keep saying I'll post a blog, but I never have anything to write... So here is my new blog, which is a story that LA and I wrote in a random conversation Christmas evening... There was a lot of convo behind it, but yeah. =)

A girl sits alone in the shadows. Pain is all she has ever known, hope has always seemed so far off. Yet, as she sits there, she feels something is different, her heart and mind are yearning for change. And in this moment she is ready for it.

Quietly, she watches as the sun rises above her. The darkness around her fades until all that is left is her own shadow, leaving a story behind her. As she stands, staring into the sky, the light brightens until it completely obliterates the darkness. It is almost blinding, but as our eyes adjust, I can see a smile on her face. It's a joyous smile full of freedom, realizing the darkness is gone. All of the shadows are gone. They will never torture her again.

She twirls, her arms extended to the skies as her broken tears now become tears of joy. Falling to her knees in amazement before God, she takes on the name Priyasha, beautiful hope.

Her eyes widen in surprise as her beloved, her lover, reaches down and grabs her hands. He pulls her up so that her eyes meet His, and His glance pierces her soul. His glance is full of passion, strength, gentleness, and love and she feels her soul leap inside of her. He then holds her with an embrace that is so intimate and full, an embrace that makes her forget about anything else. For He is her king, her best friend, her beloved, her lover... her savior that her heart so deperately longed for.

And as she sits on the lap of her beloved, feeling a sense of contentment she's never felt before, she looks back to where she used to stand. In her place, she sees a little girl crying, a girl so scarred and trying to stand. Her lover gives her a smile and hugs her tightly, before she walks back to that place. As she approaches the girl, and their eyes meet, she wraps her arm over the girl's shoulders, and points to the hope she so desperately needs, and together, they walk back to His arms.

He takes them both by the hands, and He dances with them. And they dance, and dance and dance. He places a crown on both of their heads to always remind them of their heritage and place with Him, and He gives them beautiful robes to wear to remind them that they are just as beautiful as the robes. He writes their names on the palms of His hands to remind them of the place that they have in His heart. Then He writes their names on their foreheads, for them always to remember what He calls them everytime His heart longs after them. Smiling, He whispers in both of their ears, "The story isn't over... It is coming."

As these girls look at Him, their eyes fill with wonder and awe at all He has done. Turning towards the horizon, they try to find the sun, searching for the sunrise, wondering why they can't see it any longer. And as He whispers gently to their ears, "This is not the end, your journey has just begun," they realize why they couldn't see the sunrise. They were standing right next to it, the light was coming from where they stood, leaving a trail wherever they traveled...


Anonymous said...

Why does it say that you posted this December 17th when this story happened Christmas day? Weird! lol. Dude...I love reading this story again! I'm glad God gave us this story because it really is beautiful. :) Love you Suddy! hehe

Wynter said...

Wow, that's amazing.... I love it!