Thursday, March 19, 2009


I watched the flames crash over the old house like never ending waves. It's odd, isn't it? The same thing you live for can be the very thing that destroys everything around you. With a deep breath, I pulled a gas mask over my face and said a quick prayer. It's not difficult to break into a place that is already burning down, so I kicked in the door and carefully surveyed my surroundings. This wasn't my fight, why should I worry? Yet sometimes the battles that are hardest are those the people closest to you are lost in. Flames spilled out of the room to my right. I remembered nights spent staying up all hours, talking through everything we didn't understand. I never thought it would be like this to watch our memories fade. I didn't have time to think about that though. As fire sparked over my head, I fell to the floor. Hurry up, I thought to myself, hurry up. I moved slowly down the hall. Hello, is anyone in here? A faint cry for help seemed to lift out of the floor boards. I crawled in further until the floor seemed to give out below me. Quickly backing away, I peered into this chasm to the basement. Help, I heard the weak voice again. It was coming from the basement. I glanced over at the stairs where the floor had caved in. So much for that idea. I had a rope ladder on my pack, not the best idea in the midst of a fire, but right now I had no choice. Fastening it to a sturdy pipe, I hesitantly crawled down. It was only a matter of seconds before I found my friend. My eyes filled with tears as I looked at her, so lifeless and alone. Quickly making my way to her side, she watched me with wide eyes. As I reached her, she couldn't say a word, but simply collapsed in my arms with her remaining energy. I knew I needed to get her out, and fast. Grabbing her tightly, I began the ascent up the ladder. It felt like an hour before I finally got us to the top. Stopping for a quick breath at the top, I was soon working my way back through the house. C'mon friend, just a little further, we'll make it. The breath of air as soon as I rushed out that door was possibly the most satisfying burst of air I had ever breathed. Situating my friend against a tree, a little ways from the flames, I ran back into the house. I didn't think anyone else was home, but I had to make sure. The ladder was still hanging precariously over the hole. I scurried down it, not thinking twice about what I was doing. Luckily the basement was small, and I had it searched quickly. No one. I let out a relieved sigh and went to find the ladder. Grabbing onto the bottom, I looked up and gasped. The flames found their way to the outside of the hole. Now I was stuck, exactly where I just helped my friend escape, unsure of where to go. It wasn't worth screaming above the roaring flames. There seemed to be nothing to do but watch as the fire spread towards me, shaking its angry fist in bursts of smoke. I looked up through the hole one more time, and as the ladder burned, hold on, I heard you say hold on.

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