Wednesday, October 31, 2007

If my lips moved to Duluth...

...I'd gladly join them there!! I was so excited for this past weekend, but I kind of went thinking I'd probably be disappointed at how the concert and everything went. And yet again, it was so much better than I even let myself imagine. I might even have to say that it beat the concert when we got stranded in the storm with John Reuben... I love how everything was spur of the moment... we didn't have any set times or plans, so we just let it flow, ya know?

When we first got to Duluth, we decided to hang out in this cute area of town with a bunch of shops and such. Plus it was right by the gorgeous lake, and a lift bridge that we got to see a few ships go through. That sounds really lame, but we were very excited about it. We also went to this area with a bunch of cute shops, but only got to go in one since we had to uhhh... find a bathroom lol. My dad met up with us a little later, and we headed to the hotel for a few minutes before deiciding where to eat, which ended up being quite an interesting chinese place. Oh and the hotel, well thats a completely different story lol, very uh... amusing.

Oh yeah, I'm rambling... Well we left for the concert after dropping my dad off at the hotel, and I was pretty much an amazing navigator (for once, I'm not being sarcastic lol) and wow... we were about an hour early and there was already a ton of people there. But since we are so amazing, we managed to make it front row within 5 minutes of TFK's set and hold our place the entire time. I know the tricks, I've considered writing a book on tips for the ultimate concert experience, but have decided that it wouldn't work if everyone was doing them. Maybe I should anyways... would you read it? haha. Well TFK was pretty snazzy, very squishy 'cause everyone was pushing to get up front to secure a spot for TobyMac's show. BarlowGirl rocked, haha... we had printed out a bunch of little "woot" signs (about 120), and were going to pass them out and have people wave them during the song "Million Voices"... so yeah, Briar pretty much took care of that and we got those all spread around, but when Chia and I kept glancing back it looked like only 5 or so people were waving them. That was a bummer, but oh well. So then Toby came out and we rocked so hard we even knocked part of the ceiling down lol. (here's a pic of TobyMac with the piece of ceiling that came down)

It was a great concert, I wasn't even a little bit tired at the end (though my feet were starting to hurt.) Becca Barlow joined TobyMac and the Diverse City Band for their last song, and that was pretty much amazing, I was like "woohoo, she is all over the place" haha.

So Missy and Briar went off to look at TobyMac merchandise afterwards, and Chia and I headed to BG's signing line. There weren't like any security people, and it was pretty short, so it was really laid back, which was cool. Chey and I were going through chatting to the girls, Beka and their cousin Sarah about a bunch of stuff (like frisbee and football *insert stern smilie* haha) and Alyssa sees us and says that she saw all our woots and loved it (how she knew it was us is beyond me). I was like "really? Oh, we thought that no one did it." and she goes "No, I looked out and they were popping up all over the place." and Becca put in that she'd say there were at least 70... we were like "oh snap." haha. So we hung out for a little bit, and then got a picture of these random girls (thanks Sarah haha) before getting our picture. Goodness, I love being an SPer. lol

Well we headed back to the hotel for a bit, and then went to a beach area, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves, 'cause I've already written a ton... hehe


Cheyenne said...

heya! Saweet!I'm excited! That was AMAZINGLY fun!

Cheyenne said...

okay, I'll stop embarrassing you now. :D

Rachel said...


Hope you don't mind that I read your blog. :-) I saw the link off of Chey's blog and I figured that's what it was for. lol. Glad ya'lls had a great time. It was fun reading about your concert experience. I can send you a link to my blog if you'd like. That means you are really special. Just ask Chey I am particular about who gets to read my blog.

I hope you don't mind that I saved your concert photos and I put a couple of them on my blog and credited them to Erika P. Is that all right with you? :-)

Rachel said...

Dude, that was long. I should of just asked you on facebook. :-)

Cheyenne said...

Oh, she doesn't care if you steal her photos, I do it all the time! :P er, I hope you don't erika... haha.

'Rika said...

haha Chey HA! *glares* *insert stern smilie here* His name is Moe. ;-P lol kidding... I happen to be single and love it, as if you didn't know :-P

haha, no seriously I don't mind... my photos are universal!! :-P Everyone can enjoy them!! lol