Monday, March 31, 2008

Say it to me in a way that I can understand...

'Tis my friends and my blog, check it out!
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It's been a crazy week or so, in oh so many ways. I can't say I'm not glad things are finally calming down. Well... yeah.

I've been excited for spring to be on its way, its been so nice out lately. So what do I wake up to this morning? Some sort of snow storm =/ The only way I will be happy with that would be if school is canceled tomorrow. Right. Ha, tomorrow is April Fools day. I actually almost forgot about it. Note that I said "almost". Thats right. *smiles* But yes. Rawr. I have a secret project to tend to. Not one thats related to April Fools Day though... this is a different one. I think I have too many projects going, eh? haha, oh well. I didn't really have anything worth saying on here right now, but I felt like writing something anyways ;)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Who needs drugs and alcohol when you have toes?

This past week was full of lots of Chia and lots of Nicette. I don't know if I even need to say anymore *laughs*

That is all =/

I feel like I should write more though, but c'mon, what more is there to say? So yes, I guess that really is it. *smiles*

Saturday, March 15, 2008

She said, "Are you getting rest?" Sarcastic, I said "plenty"

Hi. Yes, hi. That is pretty much all I have to say. Not really, I'm at Ashley's. She was taking a shower, so I was going to post a blog to enertain myself, but her computers slow. So now... now there's a cool "O" on her door. It tells me I'm awesome. She says its directed towards her, but we know thats all just a cover up. Jesus love you snow much. Wow, thats kind of a lame sticker. But it speaks truth... according to Ashley... but I think Jesus loves us more than snow. 'Cause we're alive. Apparently snow is alive also, in the snow world. Theres snow families that lives in igloos, which is awkward cause that means they make igloos out of each other. I guess they liv ein grass huts instead. squeeeek. Its an old chair, what can I say *shrugs* Bands have weird names... but I can't tell you which ones, 'cause that'd be an invasion of privacy haha... Speaking of band names, I've been in quite a few myself *snickers* There's Almost Forgotten, hold on Ashley's brushing my hair, awkward!! *steals brush* aw man, they don't have gel or anything here, my 'hawks gonna look odd... oh yeah, bands... Wash Work (short for Wash Hands Before Returning to Work)... but I think if I was really in a band, I'd call it Clothed in Chaos. I wrote a story with a band by that name in it. Come to think of it, I never finished that book... it was my studyhall enertainment last year, so pretty much its lame whooooo. Pickles are amazing. Well they're alright, you have to have the right kind. Like the ones at the WI cheese store thingamajig at the Mall of America... I get one all the time. Well I only have twice, but close enough. Not like I really go to the mall often, actually I haven't been there for a really long time. Shopping gets me the closet to death I've ever been. That might be a tad exaggerated, and its fun with friends... but I still get tired. Okay, maybe I should rephrase... shopping with my family gets me the closest... but thats okay, I have legs, I can go wander off by myself. I like wandering off by myself. Especially at music festivals, that probably sounds odd, but true story. Lifelight was like the most amazing ever because I didn't have to be with anyone, I just walked around... it was snazzy. wow this is getting long, I should probably stop for the sake of everyone involved. Did you honestly read that? wow, and I thought I didn't have a life just for writing it *laughs* haha I'm kidding... =/ (and for a certain someone, I don't feel like finding an actual stern smiley, so that does NOT cancel itself out =P)

Monday, March 10, 2008

I will walk on water and You, will catch me if I fall...

Have you ever had some one come up to you all excited to show you something? I get that a lot, someone will come up to me and be like "Erika, come here! You have to see this, it is so cool!" Usually though, it is when I am in the middle of somethng so I'll just respond "yeah, hold on" usually assuming its nothing anyways, and then ignore the continuing calls to see it. Then I finally get around to go see what was so special, but by the time I get there, I've missed out on a lot, or maybe even missed it totally. If I only knew what was so special, if I knew what I was missing, maybe then I would've been more interested. Maybe then I could've just stopped everything I was doing and been able to see the beauty before it faded away.

I think we tend to do the same thing with God, at least I do. He'll come up to me, grab both my hands in His and tell me "Come on, you have to see this amazing freedom I have for you. I want for you to feel this, I don't want you to hurt anymore. I know the path to it may be painful, but in the end it is worth it all." Then I often pull away, turn the other way and tell Him "but God, I'm not ready for that yet. I have to do this and that, plus I am not up for the journey yet..." Truly, will I ever be ready? I mean in my mind? psh yeah right... but I don't need to be, because God is ready for me, He always has been. Maybe one day after I've waited for so long I'll realize how much I've been missing in the time I've pulled away, I'll realize I haven't really been living for that time. Now, do I truly want to experience that freedom, or will I forever turn away and never really find the beauty that could come from this pain? Wow, what a stupid question. =P

Matthew 8:20-22
20Jesus was curt: "Are you ready to rough it? We're not staying in the best inns, you know."

21Another follower said, "Master, excuse me for a couple of days, please. I have my father's funeral to take care of."

22Jesus refused. "First things first. Your business is life, not death. Follow me. Pursue life."