Saturday, January 5, 2008

What do you say to an angel who doesn't want to sing?

I can say its my blog, and hey I can write about whatever I want... haha but there is so much I want to blabber about, that I just can't... ahhhh... why do I know this? I don't wanna know this anymore... or I just wish it would become public knowledge soon... *shrugs* well for certain sometime this year... goodness, y'all would go crazy if you knew this... buahaha... okay, or maybe I don't really know anything and all that was said just to get you guys curious for no reason whatsoever. I think this is the part where I laugh kind of funkily. wow... see, theres a reason why I shouldn't be writing blogs. Which happens to be the same reason why you shouldn't be reading them haha.

I actually did have something semi-serious to write about, but I kind of forgot what it was. Oh well... so I'm thinking anyone who has a dog totally needs to get them this costume-

So, this last year... wow, its been crazy! In some ways everything has changed, while in others nothing is different. I've definately learned a lot in this last year, and know that this year is going to bring a lot more for me. And though at times it may hurt, in the end it will be amazing. God's got so much for me, for all of us, and I am excited to see where He brings everyone through this new year! I love you all, you've been so amazing!!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

"In some ways everything has changed, while in others nothing is different."

I know what ya mean.